Completing The Mamores

20th April 2022, 27 photos.

Or "Boots, Boobs and Brose" as Kim wanted to call it. I had the two eastern-most Mamores, Sgurr Eilde Mor and Binnein Beag, still to bag in order to complete this set, so we decided to try an evening walk in and high camp, setting up the hillwalk for the following morning. It was all a bit of an experiment in carrying heavy packs as we'd never wild camped before - always camping fairly close to the car or the microlight in the past which of course isn't really wild camping at all. Anyway, we had chilly air and a stiff wind on top but offset by great under foot conditions and visibility, giving us a super outing in the hills. The photos are all just mobile snaps because I'd decided to save weight by not taking a proper camera. That was a mistake, in hindsight. A wee, experimental video of the trip:

20th April 2022, 27 photos. View this album in Flickr