
The story, in photos, of our house build in Gullane, starting in 2019 with the purchase of the plot and continuing to handover in 2022 and beyond. It's split into sections, roughly mirroring phases of the build.

We bought a plot of land in Gullane and decided to build a "Murphy". The plot had been part of the garden of the large house next door and came with hard-won permission to build a conventional house of their architect's design. Richard was having none of that though, so he drew us a Murphy and two years later building was finally able to begin. While the lengthy planning, costing and building warrant processes took place we watched the plot transition through the seasons a number of times.

The small, single-storey house takes on the form of a "long house" with all the rooms in a line, off a central corridor. Langskail is Norse for "long house" and is also the name of the house in which Kim was brought up so was a fitting name for us to use. Read Richard's blurb here:

The East Lothian planners appreciated the quality of the design, stating in their summing up, "its contemporary architectural design would enrich the diverse architectural character of Broadgait and the wider area".

1. Plot

24 photos

2. Groundworks

26 photos

4. First Fix

44 photos

5. Second Fix

87 photos

6. Moving In

45 photos

8. Gate

10 photos

10. Landscaping

38 photos

13. Garden

7 photos