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Cubs' Hike

2nd March 2014, 17 photos

Cubs' hike from North Berwick town to the top of the Law, then back for chips!!

Les Houches

13th February 2014, 21 photos

Wonderful three days' skiing at Les Houches with James. Two days of amazing weather and views - the third day, er, not so. But brilliant to watch his skiing develop quickly - it's all becoming very instinctive now, linking his parallel turns beautifully and any hints of the old snowplough consigned to history. Very proud of him!

Helen's Final Fling

1st December 2013, 13 photos

Fab weekend at Glenmore walking, cycling, eating and drinking with the Border Search and Rescue squad as a farewell to Helen who's about to head off to a new life in Colorado.

Six Ticks

24th November 2013, 8 photos

A chance to bag six less than inspiring Glenshee Munros spiced up by having a bit of snow on them, but before the hoards of skiers arrive. Hard work in the powder and a LONG walk!! Just made it back before dark.

Biking and Hiking

18th October 2013, 49 photos

Approximately 18,000 feet of climbing on foot and on tandem over 6 amazing days with Kim in Torridon and Skye. First, "the big one" - the Bealach Na Ba and the Applecross peninsula on the tandem - very happy to have to managed that (we wonder how many tandems have gone up there before us?). Punctured on the way down due to overheating the wheel rims with all the braking on the 6 mile, 2000' descent back to sea level. Then up Beinn Alligin on Monday. Then cycled to Elgol (return) from Broadford on Skye - planned as a "recovery ride" but was hillier than expected (2000' of climbing). Raced up Blaven on Wednesday and on the penultimate day an exciting and memorable romp on the Cullin ridge in sublime conditions, bagging Am Basteir (omitting its tooth!!!) and Bruach na Frithe. Finished the week with a return south, back to the dodgy weather, and a damp 30 mile loop of Perthshire taking in a section of the Etape Caledona course and a new (to me) steep climb up into Glen Errochty. A brilliant week leaving wonderful memories and both of us feeling fitter and stronger.

Baking on Bow Fell

26th August 2013, 15 photos

Boiling hot Bank Holiday round of Bow Fell and the Crinkle Crags.

Kids' Camping Chapter Four

11th August 2013, 71 photos

Chapter Four of the Dads' and Kids' camping series - and the third time back at Beadnell, Northumberland. Bigger and better than ever before....

Wee Boys' Adventure

12th July 2013, 10 photos

James first island by microlight. Lovely flight to Gigha for an evening walk to the pub for dinner and camping on the airstrip. Then home, circling Saltoun Hall on route, and waving to neighbour, Gregor.

Campervaning The North West

9th July 2013, 109 photos

Discovering the North West of Scotland by Campervan - in all weathers. Learning about castles and beaches and lighthouses and plant-life and World War 2 and geology and too many other things to recall. Another wonderful Big Tree adventure.

Climbing with Kids at Kyloe Crags

16th June 2013, 17 photos

First taste of real rock climbing for James and me - great fun and tough challenge on Kyloe Crags in Northumberland, with expert supervision and instruction from Kim's Border Search and Rescue buddies, James, Damon and George. And a wonderful climbing exhibition from Damon's 10-year-old twins, Toby and Oscar.

Bow Fell and the Langdale Pikes

15th June 2013, 9 photos

Impromptu trip to the Lakes for a wee birthday hillwalk, camping in the rain in Langdale then heading up into the mists of Bow Fell and a lovely round under the cloud, high over the Langdale Pikes. The photos a little deceptive as the camera quickly came out, only with each very brief glimpse of the sun.

Tandeming Arran

9th June 2013, 17 photos

Arrived on Arran to cycle a lap of the island on the tandem only to discover a 5 mile section of the road is currently closed. So instead we did a north loop followed by a south loop. This took in all 3 big cat 3 Arran climbs - the String, the Lochranza climb and the Ross - as well as countless cat 4s. A huge effort, but wonderful fun - and further and MUCH more climbing than the originally planned lap.

Hebridean Mini Adventure

25th May 2013, 34 photos

Another brilliant East of Scotland Microlights club flying trip to the West of Scotland. Overnight on Gigha then on over the Paps of Jura to Colonsay for a bbq lunch on the beach. Sunshine and tailwinds all the way - someone up there loves us!!

Saltoun Hall Treasure Hunt

6th May 2013, 18 photos

Bank Holiday treasure hunt in our fab, big gardens - followed by a walk to the shop to get ingredients for a picnic in the back garden. The beginnings of summer at last perhaps?

Wet, Wild and Wonderful Kintail

21st April 2013, 30 photos

A fabulous, memorable weekend on the big mountains of Kintail. Climbed the Five Sisters on Saturday - collected at the other end by our perfect hosts, the Cluanie Inn. A very damp day, but lots of views and smiles nevertheless. Then a wee "warm down" on Sunday up Sgurr an Fhuarail - plodding up through rain and sun and wind into the wildest of blizzards at the top - then back, via lunch in the storm shelter, to the Inn for a well earned coffee and cake.

Harry Potter Campervanning

2nd April 2013, 62 photos

Easter break to the west coast in a rented campervan. Brilliant fun searching out Harry Potter movie scenes - successfully bagged all four we were targeting. Delivered a stretcher for servicing to Hamish MacInnes (in person) and carried out Easter Egg hunts for James in various beautiful locations.

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