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Liberton Brae Architecture

14th July 2022, 3 photos

A very cool conversion of an old agricultural building near the foot of Liberton Brae. Three new houses with great views west to the Braids and Blackford Hill. We pass by on one of our many walks from Clackmae.

Brittany and Normandy

15th June 2022, 57 photos

A great cycling holiday to Brittany and Normandy with a bit of walking about thrown in between the bike rides. Superb weather, roads and galettes all the way. We can’t wait to do it again. Overnights, in chronological order, in The English Channel (1), Dinon (1), Audierne (1), Carnac (2), Vannes (2) and Bayeux (2).

Edinburgh 7 Summits Walk

24th May 2022, 10 photos

Perfect weather for walking the seven hills of Edinburgh today, starting and ending in Liberton. Blackford Hill, Arthur's Seat, Calton Hill, Castle Rock, Corstorphine Hill, Craiglockhart East, Braid Hills. With Julie and Douglas.

Curling Ponds of South Edinburgh

18th May 2022, 17 photos

A walking tour of the sites of the old curling ponds of southern Edinburgh. Only one had any proper visible physical evidence of its existence.

Completing The Mamores

20th April 2022, 27 photos

Or "Boots, Boobs and Brose" as Kim wanted to call it. I had the two eastern-most Mamores, Sgurr Eilde Mor and Binnein Beag, still to bag in order to complete this set, so we decided to try an evening walk in and high camp, setting up the hillwalk for the following morning. It was all a bit of an experiment in carrying heavy packs as we'd never wild camped before - always camping fairly close to the car or the microlight in the past which of course isn't really wild camping at all. Anyway, we had chilly air and a stiff wind on top but offset by great under foot conditions and visibility, giving us a super outing in the hills. The photos are all just mobile snaps because I'd decided to save weight by not taking a proper camera. That was a mistake, in hindsight. A wee, experimental video of the trip:

Tandeming and Ticks

15th September 2021, 15 photos

Ironically, as we're in the middle of the architectural project of our lives, we toured with bases at Fort William and Aviemore. Both have so much in common - horrible architecture, big mountains, skiing, mountain biking, rail network connection and even a steam train each, and yet Aviemore just works and is a cool place to be, but Fort William is still so grim. Anyway, they set us up well for more tandeming and Munro bagging as we chased the weather, with reasonable success, once again. Three tandem rides, two camps, two swims, three Munro ticks, one actual tick, one wasp sting and a million midge bites - all the ingredients of another fine Scottish holiday.

To Mull And Back

18th June 2021, 14 photos

Back on Mull again for the first time in three years for a superb bar meal at Glenforsa as usual. Home the next day via Bute for a wander and lunch.

An Socach

1st June 2021, 5 photos

Final, unbagged Munro in the Glenshee area. That's that section complete now, 30-odd years on.

Snowy St Germains Lockdown

14th February 2021, 19 photos

Yet another lockdown week, but a more interesting one thanks to a decent dump snow lasting six days and stretching right down to the sea.

Lakes for Lunch

29th September 2020, 14 photos

A sunny Autumn jolly to a very warm welcome at the Troutbeck strip near Blencathra in the Lake District for lunch.

Kilchattan Bay Circular

21st July 2020, 11 photos

A fine island wander, conveniently starting and ending at Bute airstrip and then a fun flight home round by Loch Lomond and down the middle of the Forth from Stirling to the bridges.

Hot Night on the Beach

25th June 2020, 5 photos

What a night on the beach. Got in and stayed in!! Bottle of unexpected fizz (thanks Martin). Mega-healthy BBQ. Then lying in the swimming gear in the sun until 9pm. Who needs Spain!!? @ Longniddry

St Germains Lockdown

28th March 2020, 36 photos

One and only one photo of (or from) the gardens of St Germains House, taken each day of Coronavirus lockdown. This is simply to give me a wee project to think about - the personal challenge being to select only one on the good days and try to find something worthwhile on the dull days. Starting, March 28th, 2020.

Saint Gervais 2020

13th February 2020, 14 photos

Not quite our usual full-on sunshine skiing but we made the best of it, skiing Saint Gervais, Les Houches and Les Contamines. We were at least rewarded with one awesome sunshine day at Les Contamines. Finally, we witnessed the polishing of Saint Gervais town and the invasion of an army of machine-gun toting Gendarmes for the imminent arrival of President Macron to the town.

An Argentine Experience

4th February 2020, 52 photos

A colourful experience in Argentina we will never forget. Scooted around Buenos Aires either side of a fly-drive tour of the far north-west, exploring the Andes and the deserts from a base at Salta where we 'enjoyed' some crazy roads, beautiful scenery and stomach-churning food poisoning.

Burgundy Tandeming

17th October 2019, 22 photos

Exploring more nice places on the tandem from a base in Beaune in Burgundy with warm-down blasts in the catherdral town of Laon then from Brugge through Belgium and The Netherlands.

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